Tag Archives: Virtualization


I love Virtualbox 🙂 It’s amazing and simple to use.  I wanted to set up a virtual machine so I installed VMWare Server from the Ubuntu repos.  Unfortunately it just gave me a headache.  Literally.  Ok so I got my guest OS installed, but when I went to install the guest addons, it couldn’t compile the vmhgfs module due to the way a few things changed in the 2.6.22 kernel. Ok so I found a solution after searching that involved modifying some code in the driver.  Then I couldn’t get the USB to work in the guest OS.  I also couldn’t mount a CD in the guest either.  Then I couldn’t get the shared folders working.  I’m not sure but I don’t think VMWare Server has shared folders.  So after probably after 3 hours of getting no where but a headache, I gave up.

Then I decided to try Virtualbox.  I grabbed the .deb from their site and installed it, added myself to the Vbox users, logged out and back in, and fired it up.  Installing the guest was easy. Then came time to install the guest extras.  To my surprise it just worked! I didn’t even have to install build-essential in my guest. Ran the script and rebooted my VM. Resolution was perfect and I had access to shared folders! I was also able to mount CDs in the guest. I am totally amazed! I love Virtualbox, it just works!